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    Welcome to the Field Hockey Curriculum for Players & Coaches

    • Welcome players and coaches

    • The FHCPC is designed for players and coaches

    • The underlying foundation of the FHCPC is Decision Making

    • "Playing without thinking is like shooting without aiming" - Horst Wein

    • "Hockey is a physical form of chess" - Don Smart

    • Teach an attacking style of play

    • The long term enjoyment of attacking skills

    • Why the term "Control Skills"?

    • A Discrete Biomechanical Movement Unit - What's this?

    • "Details Make for Perfection. Perfection Is No Details" - Dai Vernon

    • Learn from beyond hockey

    • Other team sport influences on attacking play

    • Develop individual skills across the whole team

    • "Why these skills and sequence?", they will ask

    • The Complete Hockey Player

    • The "Natural" player Tries Not To Try

    • Talent is a mix of Practice, Motivation and Right Coaching

    • The Young Hockey Player by Ric Charlesworth and David Hatt

    • Horst Wein - Develop the skills for the game

    • Use of the curriculum

    • Can older experienced players develop and improve their skills?

    • The LTAD framework of the FHCPC

    • The FHCPC covers from Beginner to Highest Competitive Levels

    • Can I get certified for completing the FHCPC courses?

    • Enjoy coaching

    • Really enjoy playing!